Laura Spiegel, MA, MCC, CMC, RCC, CCC, SEP founded BodyMind Interactive in 2009.

Laura holds a Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science where she was honoured as valedictorian. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Her training in Eye Movement Integration and Somatic Experiencing® supports her holistic approach, underscoring her passion for body-mind integration.

Laura is an ICF Master Certified Coach, Certified Mentor Coach, as well as a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Limbic Coach. She was bestowed with the prestigious inaugural ICF Vancouver Charter Chapter Impact Award in 2013, celebrating coaching excellence and transforming lives.

Drawing from academic, professional, and intuitive experience, Laura has learned about the structure of how humans unconsciously react to life’s circumstances and then consciously strategize and respond. Laura gently challenges clients to fortify their inner resources, prompting them to attain a more empowered and centred version of themselves.

Laura infuses curiosity into every session; playfulness engenders insight and supports personal and professional growth. As such, Laura fully partners with clients on the journey to discover their unique maps of the world and ultimately reach their destinations.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
– John C. Maxwell